Partner Dance

To perform a Partner dance, for the times that a couple love to dance together. These can be one of a range of dances namely, Modern Jive, also Charleston, as well as Salsa, and Rock n Roll  the sensuous Lambada and even Ballroom styles.

With these styles, the learning is varied, generally you will learn your moves on a rotation basis.

You should learn these quicker, as some people pick up the moves more easily and pass it on to the next person. The moving round makes it more fun. You pick up more tips on each move.

The man in most cases leads his lady, although the ladies help is needed, especially in the early stages.

The lady also needs to know how to follow, as the dance works and looks better when the couple are in tune.

Some forms of partner dance are very exciting to do, and look good  from a spectators view, especially if performed at a fast pace.

Dancing is Exercise

The learning in rotation does not happen so often, in a ballroom learning situation, as some moves are very explicit or choreographed  to a certain degree.

Firstly, dance is exercise. It's easy to forget that, because once you're actually doing it, it's fun. A partner dance is often an activity in paying attention and trusting that you won't be led astray.

Dancing with a partner can feel strange at first.

The dancing is the distraction. It is fantastic when you and your partner know how to communicate through your natural body movements, dancing is effortless.

 In Partner Dance
you Work Together

In many partner dances, the leaders steps, differ from the followers. Although in a face to face position, the follower generally mirrors the leaders footwork.

As the leader and follower interact with each other, they need to communicate their instructions. It's not practical to discuss moves, therefore the most effective means is physical contact.

More advanced dancers will take many cues from each other during this connection. The follower will often use it to give feedback to the leader, just as the leader uses it to suggest moves to their partner.

In partner dancing, the couple seek to work together, to create synchronised or complementary movements. The lead is largely responsible for initiating movement, whereas the followers role is to maintain this movement, though sometimes, they may choose not to.

  The more you understand the music,
       the easier you can dance.
                 ~ Orlando Gutinez ~

For the many partner styles